CS371p Spring 2021: Andrew Yin

Andrew Yin
2 min readFeb 1, 2021

What did you do this past week?

Today and yesterday I participated in TAMUHack with a couple of my friends. Our project was a website that was centered around looking up and sharing recipes. It was a good review for webdev-related things; I got to brush up on my HTML, CSS, and PHP which I haven’t used in a while.

What’s in your way?

I’m taking three comp-sci classes this semester and they kind of all hit me with labs/assignments at the same time, which was a little demotivating but hopefully it won’t be too bad (it’s still the beginning of the semester after all).

What will you do next week?

I’m planning on getting ahead on my homework (even though I’m already falling behind) since I’ve always struggled with starting my assignments early. I’ve found my life to be a lot less stressful when I start assignments earlier, but it’s difficult to do so.

What did you think of the makefile?

It was cool to look through it; I don’t know too much about makefiles even though they’re very important. I could infer a lot about some parts of the makefile, but someday I’d like to learn more about them and maybe write some for practice.

What was your experience of Docker?

I’m planning on just using the lab machines to do my assignments, but from what I’ve seen of Docker, it seems like an extremely useful and convenient tool to have.

What was your experience of unit tests?

I’m not the biggest fan of rigorously testing all points of my code (even though it’s definitely better to do so), but seeing as we’re required to do so for the assignment, maybe I’ll pick up some better testing habits.

What made you happy this week?

I’ve wanted to pick up guitar for a while now, but never really got around to it. I finally started learning some basics and practicing a bit these past two weeks.

What’s your pick of the week?

I’ve been using VSCode for a while now, and it’s crazy to me how useful and versatile it is. It has lots of extensions that allow you to code in pretty much anything you want on it.

